Bishop Tina Bawa Set to Host White Worship 2022

Are you ready White Worship 2022
(THE ARK OF SAFETY 2.0) is set and ready to bless you. Plan to attend and invite someone. Friday 11th October 2022 Happening at the International Conference Centre (ICC) Abuja.
Time: 9pm WAT
Host: Bishop Tina Bawa.
Beloved! This is A Call To Serve And If You Wish To Serve In Any Department During White Worship 2022 “The Ark Of Safety With Bishop Tina Bawa, Happing Live At ICC Abuja On The 11th November 2022, Kindly Call Or Send Sms Or WhatsApp message to
+2348069743456. Thank You And God Bless You.
Tina Bawa Ministries Intl. (TBM) is a non-denominational faith based initiative, commissioned to build the nation by building lives. The focus centers on providing the resources and support that will enable women and youths to actualize their divine purpose.
The vision first began in July 1999, as a non-denominational prayer fellowship, “The Gathering of Deborahs”. The Gathering had the sole objective of coordinating Christian women to stand in the gap in the place of prayer for the family, the church and society at large.
Outstanding miracles of healing, fruitfulness, deliverance and prosperity marked the gathering. As the testimonies went far and wide, in no time, what began as a small neighborhood prayer meeting, sprawled into a mighty prayer revival. This drew women from different walks of life to the gathering.
As the gathering expanded, so also was the need to diversify in order to meet the various requests of the growing membership. It is in view of this that Tina Bawa Ministries Int’l.(TBM) was established to serve as the umbrella body for the different components of the vision.Today, TBM has grown into a multifaceted ministry, with specialized aspects that address the specific needs.
The Ministries:
Extraordinary Women Fellowship Int’l.
TBM Conference and Seminar
WHITE Worship Concerts
Women of Compassion
TBM Crusade and Outreach
TBM Home Finishing Academy (HOFA)
Nigeria Women Awake (NIWA)
TBM Publishing House