Introducing Evang. Amb Benjamin Semako Abayomi kayode Aka Benkay Musik

Whats your full name and stage name?
Benjamin Semako Abayomi kayode stage name is BenKay
How did you come about your stage name BenKay?
Benkaymuzik is from my name
What is your Background? Tell your story?
I’m a native of Akarakunmo kingdom Badagry Local government Lagos Nigeria, an NCE holder in Economics/Social studies Started my music career from childhood did my first band Anniversary 1999 and we’ve been on it till date
How do you get your Inspiration?
well known to God but one things I’m always ready for work when its time
How do you describe your music to people?
I’m a Supple musician meaning varieties of music
How would you define Success?
Means an outcome of every struggle in lfe vise versa
What are your hobbies?
What makes you happy?
Who are those that inspires you in the industry?
Late Dr olando owoh, MFR Ebenezer obey, king sunny Ade, sir shina peters, senator segun Adex, Adegbodu twins, Atorise, ere asalatu, osupa saheed, pasuma, wasiu Ayinde marshal etc
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