HRH. Amb, Dr Appolus Chu OFR The Egbere Emere Okori,
Oneh Eh Eta Ogale,
Oneh Eh Nchia X of Eleme kingdom,

HRM King Appolus Chu is a promotional of peace and unity both in Nigeria and in Africa, he described religious leaders as an extension of kingship, he is more concerned about the development and preservation of local African languages that has been suppressed and denigrated by Western Civilization, foreign cultures and languages; HRM King Appolus Chu greatest concern as a king is the advancement of his cultural heritage, development of his people and sustainance of peace and unity in Africa.

His Royal Highness, Dr. Amb. Appolus Chu is particularly interested in the integration of culture and social affiliation amongst different kingdoms irrespective of cultural and religious discrepancy. He is always urging Nigerians to remain steadfast despite the economic condition of the nation, urging that with time, things will change for the better.
As an exemplary Royal Father and accomplished businessman who has contributed immensely to the growth and development of his kingdom and community as a whole, HRH Chu’s unique sense of honour and duty not only to his people, state and nation but also to his colleagues nationwide, is unparalleled.

King Appolus Chu, has not only been the glory to the people of Okori, but he is the pride of the entire Eleme kingdom as he has spread his magnanimity, generosity and compassion to every part of Eleme and its environs. He does not only live among his people but also knows their pains, plights and sufferings.

HRH Chu is well known for his knack for breathing vitality and vibrancy into whatever he shows interest in. Indeed, he is an icon of integrity, hard work and a great philanthropist with a Midas touch, while the landmark of his achievements and leadership quality stand him out as a beacon and a point of reference for generations to come.

Since his ascension to the throne at a tender age many years ago, he has always shown abiding love and faith in his people and colleagues.
He has endeavoured to promote a sense of unity and cooperation amongst his people and also respect to constituted authority of the land.
He has encouraged love, loyalty and service from the people in his domain and has served his community so well. His extraordinary philanthropy, leadership, prowess and most of all, his free spirit, stand him out.
He has been described as a “detribalised Nigerian”, “a lover of peace”, “a man of Integrity” and “a gentleman”.

His Royal Highness, Dr. Amb. Appolus Chu, The Oneh Eh Nchia X and Egbere Emere Okori Eleme who is also the president and founder of HRH Appolus Chu Foundation.